Why Does My Steam Auth Ticket Canceled Mean
why does my steam auth ticket canceled mean

You used your work or school account to create a personal Microsoft account some years ago. If you receive an email like this, it's because either: You haven't used your OneDrive account in two years. If you haven't used your OneDrive account in the past two years, you will receive this email warning.

Why Does My Steam Auth Ticket Canceled Mean Code I Deleted

Help, I cant sign in I forgot my Steam Account name or password My Steam Account was stolen and I need help recovering it Im not receiving a Steam Guard code I deleted or lost my Steam Guard Mobile AuthenticatorI use Steamworks' GetAuthSessionTicket to receive a ticket (which I know returns a valid ticket since it works for Steam's BeginAuthSession). I've double checked the Integration page to make sure I'm using the correct Steam App ID and Steam API Key.For when you can't figure out what the heck is that strange charge on your credit card statement Currently indexing 111,204 unique credit card line item chargesSign in to your Steam account for customized help with recently played or purchased games. I am attempting to use SteamConnectRequest to link players with Steam accounts.

...why does my steam auth ticket canceled mean

The other is that when signing into an already existing Gamesparks account and sending the session ticket from Steam, if that Steam ID isn't already linked with a Gamesparks account or that Gamesparks account isn't linked with a Steam ID, it will make that link for future use. One way is obviously to see if a Gamesparks account is tied to a Steam ID, and if so sign into that account. The way I read it was, I can call this function in two ways. So I'm pretty sure I'm sending the right information.By NOTAUTHENTICATED, do you mean that you were unable to verify with Steam that the ticket was valid, or that no account exists connected to that SteamID?It could be that I'm misunderstanding how SteamConnectRequest works. And when I catch the callback for BeginAuthSession , which gives me a ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t, the SteamID that contains is right.The conversion I'm doing (the for loop) seems to be right, because it begins with the same characters (14000.) as the example on the SteamConnectRequest page. I only create and send the SteamConnectRequest if BeginAuthSession returns k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK.

What am I missing here? I tried commenting out the BeginAuthSession code, but the result is the same. My app ID and webapi seem to be set up correctly, I can get the ticket from steam but if I try to login to GameSparks I get 102 - Ticket for another app NOT AUTHENTICATEDHAuthTicket authTicket = SteamUser.GetAuthSessionTicket(ticket, 1024, out pcbTicket) Debug.Log("# Error getting steam authentication ticket") Print("SteamUser.GetAuthSessionTicket(Ticket, 1024, out pcbTicket) - " + authTicket + " - " + pcbTicket) EBeginAuthSessionResult ret = SteamUser.BeginAuthSession(ticket, (int)pcbTicket, SteamUser.GetSteamID()) Print("SteamUser.BeginAuthSession(m_Ticket, " + (int)pcbTicket + ", " + SteamUser.GetSteamID() + ") - " + ret) String displayName = response.DisplayName Var switchSummary = response.SwitchSummary This always returns error 102.

why does my steam auth ticket canceled mean